High-frequency vibrations are at the heart of all we create.


Our Philosophy
At the heart of our brand lies the concept of frequency. We understand that everything in the universe operates at a specific frequency, be it light, sound, or even thoughts. By harnessing the energy and vibrations of these frequencies, we can tap into a higher level of consciousness, unlocking our true potential and bringing about positive change. The name behind Frequenhz has the meaning of many forms providing; media production, studio spaces, travel itineraries, and much more as we embark on our journey 
We believe that by embracing the power of frequency, we can unlock our true potential and create a future filled with abundance, joy, and meaning. Our name, Frequenhz, is representative of not only what we produce but speaks to the energy and mindset with which we approach our work—joy, peace, and positivity.   

Meet Bryson

Bryson Gamble discovered his love for photography in 2015 when he embarked on a creative journey to capture content for his startup clothing brand. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Bryson quickly realized that he had stumbled upon a hidden talent that had the power to convey emotions and capture moments in a visually stunning way. Encouraged by the positive feedback he received from his clients and peers he took  his artistic talent Worldwide working with a multitude of non-profits, corporations, and high-profile individuals. Through his collaborations, Bryson has used his photography skills to breathe life into moments, capturing the essence and energy that lies within them.

Over the years of learning about the mind and having a inner-standing with personal experiences;  Bryson was driven by his vision to create other avenues and founded Frequenhz.  Each day,  Bryson's vision comes to life as Frequenhz empowers countless individuals to unlock their inner greatness and embark on a journey of self-discovery.